Wednesday, August 7, 2013

BOOM SHAKA LAKA!! Camp Tomahawk 2013!!

Final Tomahawk for these Webelos 2's!
Thirty-three Scouts from Crofton Woods Cub Scout Pack 115 recently completed Camp Tomahawk conducted July 15-19 at the Anne Arundel County fairgrounds by The Capitol District, Boy Scouts of America. Camp Tomahawk is a week long day camp for Cub Scouts to have fun, learn new scout skills, make new friends and reinforce Cub Scouting’s twelve core values represented by earning their Camp Tomahawk uniform patch. More than 400 Cubs from across the district which is comprised of packs from southern Anne Arundel County organized into dens according to scout rank to share in the fun and adventure.The dens rotate among stations such as Scout spirit, crafts, Webelos skills, fishing, wood carving and some of the favorites; science and archery and BB ranges.

Time for some fishin'!

Every year the camp incorporates a theme to add to the fun. This year’s theme was ‘Pirates of the Chesapeake.’Each morning began with the Cubs being signed into their dens by an adult and being greeted by an adult den leader. The Pledge of Allegiance formally started the morning opening ceremony followed by the Camp staff adorned in pirate costumes reciting local pirate history and pirate jokes.

Catapult out of a spoon and clothespin!!
The camp is planned, organized and conducted entirely by volunteers from across the district including many who no longer have a boy directly involved in Scouting. This year more than thirty-four adults from Pack 115 contributed more than 1,000 volunteer hours to help run the camp including establishing and operating three stations, serving as den leaders and helping set up and tear down the camp.

The archery station is one of the most popular rotations for all the Cubs at camp. Scott Cochrane, a Pack 115 den leader and USA Archery certified range master since 2010, ran the archery range for the entire week with the assistance of trained volunteers. In total more than 400 Cubs shot arrows more than 24,000 times without incident or accident and scored an estimated 250 bulls-eyes. Cubs were awarded a plastic replica arrowhead for each bulls-eye. Cochrane said of the camp, “I think all of the scouts learned lifelong skills while having fun at Camp Tomahawk.” Cochrane was also awarded his scout walking stick in recognition of his fifth year as a camp week long volunteer.

BB Guns!!!
Laura Petty is a Webelos 2 den leader for Pack 115 and served as a Webelos 2 den leader for Camp Tomahawk. Webelos 2 is the final year as Cub Scouts for these boys and as their final year at camp they attend a special Webelos recognition night where they are awarded their walking sticks and an eagle feather by an Eagle Scout. The walking stick represents their beginning the journey in Boy Scouts toward the ultimate achievement of becoming an Eagle Scout themselves. Petty, who has been many of the boys den leader since they were Wolfs said, “The highlight for me was seeing them (Webelos 2s) all get their eagle feather from the Eagle Scouts. The excitement and pride they had was immeasurable!”

And Archery!!!
The date for next years’ Camp Tomahawk is planned for July 14-18.

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