Sunday, February 8, 2015

Den 7 at the 2015 National Pike Klondike Derby

31 January 2015. Den 7 at the 2015 National Pike Klondike Derby

Den 7 built a sled and entered into the National Pike district’s 2015 Klondike. This was a great chance for the boys to try the hands at building a usable tool and working together as a team.

The day of the event was below freezing and there was a light coat of snow on the ground. The boys grabbed their gear and began the 3-mile course to complete stations consisting of 2-man saw, boil water for tea, build a shelter, create fire without matches/lighters, knots, lashings, and navigation with a map and compass. The entire way, they pushed and pulled their scout-powered sled with all their supplies.

User a 2-person saw to cut wood
Boil a cup of tea for the “Mayor”. He wasn't feeling good that day and asked the boys to boil some water and make him a cup of tea.

Build fire without matches!
Build a shelter using only materials you can gather. The boys made this shelter using logs and sticks from the ground then pushed grass in the gaps for insulation. All the boys were able to fit inside and they swear they were comfortable.

Scout-powered transportation leads to tired boys!
After just about 4 hours in sub-freezing temperatures, the boys finished their trek. They were rewarded with a patch, a coin, and some frozen doughnuts. Great time had by all.